Complex Commercial Litigation,
Securities Class & Derivative Actions
and Insolvency Boutique

In-Depth Knowledge and Understanding of
Corporate Governance and Capital Markets


Strategically and Practically Minded
to Our Client’s Every Need



D.A. (Derivative Action) 1944-03-20 Ori Schneider v. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

$48.5 Million Settlement – A judgment of the District Court (economic department) validating the settlement agreement in the derivative lawsuit filed by our law firm (and others) regarding the  drugs companies cartel in the USA  

D.A. (Derivative Action) 40169-01-20 Oren De Langa v. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

The District Court in Jerusalem ordered Teva to disclose documents with regard to its subsidiaries’ actions in the USA

C.C 72836-05-19 (Jerusalem) S.Y.R. Liberty v. Oded Ben David

The District Court in Jerusalem accepted a lawsuit filed by our Firm regarding concealment of assets between companies

D.A. (Derivative Action) 57806-05-19 Haim Hizki v. Ytzhak Hagag and others

The District Court in Tel Aviv (Economic Department) established new guidelines regarding the doctrine of exploiting business opportunities of a public company  

C.L.A [Class Action] 67187-11-18 Arie Rahav V. Nochi Dankner and Itai Strum

The district court approved a motion for approval of a class action lawsuit filed by our firm against Nochi Dankner and Itai Strum for their liability for damages to purchasers of securities of IDB Holdings Ltd. in respect of the market manipulation.    

C.L.A [Class Action] 20119-08-11 Sulami-Lavie V. Delek Israel Fuel Corporation Ltd

$13.6 Million Settlement – A judgment of the District Court approving a settlement agreement in the class action filed by our firm against the Delek Company for its “Dalkan” arrangements. the court approved a cash settlement of $13.6 million (include fees and remuneration). In addition, the settlement agreement requires Delek to adopt a new pricing system for its Dalkan customers.

C.L.A [Class Action] 15731-10-11 Niram Raw Materials and Printing Equipment Ltd. et al vs. Pazomat of Paz Group Ltd. et al

$11.9 Million Settlement – A judgment of the District Court approving a settlement agreement in the class action filed by our firm against the Paz Company for their “pazomat” arrangements. the court approved a cash settlement of $11.9 million (include fees and remuneration). In addition, the settlement agreement requires Paz to adopt a new pricing system for its pazomat customers.

C.F.H (Civil Further Hearing) 2527/16, 2583/16 Jane Does vs. Adv. Uri Daniel

The President of the Supreme Court  accepted our Firm’s arguments and rejected a petition for further hearing with regard to the judgment of the Supreme Court in C.A. 7426/14, 7474/14, 8119/14 in which compensations were awarded to the Firm’s client under the Defamation Law.

A.W.L [Appeal pursuant to the Water Law] 59864-09-14 Chelkat Chen Ltd. vs. the Governmental Water and Sewage Authority et al

A judgment of the water affairs court (Haifa district court), accepting an appeal of the firm’s clients with respect of the water authority’s decision to issue an order to correct a distortion according to the water law. The verdict highly criticizes the lack of coordination between the government authorities and the difficulties which they place upon the private real estate entrepreneur.




The settlement collapsed, and the judge approved a temporary seizure of up to NIS 50 million on assets of Nochi Dankner and Itai Strum.

Luxury mansion and luxury car: Nochi Dankner’s partner’s assets revealed

The Friends issuance of shares: Temporary seizure of up to NIS 51 million against Nochi Dankner and Itai Strum

The court ordered the seizure of Nochi Dankner’s assets worth NIS 50 million.

Dankner and Strom will pay NIS 10 million as part of a settlement in the IDB share scam case

He discovered that his mother had won the lottery before her death – and he will accept the prize

Lawsuit against software company BlackSwan: “Made false representations to obtain loans”

The court approved settlement agreement in the matter of price fixing in Teva

The way to compensation: The court approved a class action lawsuit against Nochi Dankner with regard to the stock issuance
